New Crosshairs  --  Replace / Redesign 


rl2.gif (4312 bytes)
bullbkgd.gif (1097 bytes)
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h EZ Quake
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h QUAKE 2 
h Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
h h
h Add New X-hairs
h Create a New Pak
hh Center Aim Alias
h Multiplayer FAQ
h D/L Pak Explorer
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h Page 1 2 3 4 5
h h
h Pure Server X-hairs
h Page 1 2 3
h h
h Change the Q3 Hairs
h Design a New One
h Create a New pk3
h X-Hair Scripts
h D/L Paint Shop Pro V4.1
h D/L Winzip
h D/L Q3 Demo
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h Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
h h
h D/L Sprite Viewer
h D/L Sprite Wizard
h D/L Redesign Kit
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    Page 1 2 3
h Crosshair Structure
h Changing the Crosshair
  Changing the Color
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    UT 3 DEMO
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h  Elite Force
h  Far Cry
h  Jedi Knight II
h  King Pin
h  Medal of Honor
h  Ret. to Castle Wolfenstein
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h Send me your x-hairs
h h
h bullbut1.gif (1370 bytes)
h Tip Jar
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Friends of The BullsEyE
( traduisez,  ubersetzen,  tradurre,   traduza,  traduzca )


Many thanks to Cerberus for his help with this.


bluball.gif (262 bytes) BUILD A NEW CROSSHAIR FROM SCRATCH - updated 7/22
bluball.gif (262 bytes) ADVANCED TUTORIAL USING  TRANSPARENCY - by Cerberus




1. Pure and Non Pure Servers.    Custom crosshairs can only be used at servers that have the Pure Server option set to "off".  At Pure Servers, you'll need to get your crosshair file to the server.  If you know the owner or admin on the servers where you usually play, you can ask him.  If not, or if he doesn't want to be bothered, send me your crosshair and if it's significantly different than the ones I already, have I'll include it the next Pure Server Player Pak and the next update to Server Pak for  Pure Servers operators.   Then send the server admin here, to the Pure Server Section to get the Server Pak. 
2. Open Winzip( or any unzipping program ) and use it to open the pak0.pk3 fileThis file is really a zip file rather than the traditional pak file used by id Software.  You can also rename it to pak0.zip  and click on it to open it with Winzip if the .zip file extension is associated with Winzip.
3. Extract a copy of any of the files called crosshairb.tga thru crosshairj.tga file to a temporary folder
4. Open the crosshair?.tga in Paint Shop Pro.   There is no need to delete the mask first with PSP v5.03.  You can start redesigning right away, or using the eyedropper, choose a  spot on the background of the original to activate the transparent color, then choose a brush to erase all of the original design and create an empty (transparent) canvas  on which to paint.  If the original design has a dot in the very center spot, you might want to keep that visible while you create your new crosshair, just so you know where the exact center is.   You'll want to Zoom way in (maybe 10 to 1),  choose a bright color, and a small (1 pixel ) brush to start, and have fun.  Turning on the Grid (View menu) will help you to keep more involved designs symetric.
5. When done designing, choose Edit, and then Copy.  Now choose  Masks,  New, From Image.  Check "Any non zero value". Make sure Invert Mask Data is NOT checked.  Click OK.  Now you should see your design on top of a grey/white checkerboard background. That background is the masked or transparent area.  If there are black spots (there shouldn't be any) in the mask area, read the following.  If not skip to step 6. The black spots are holes in the mask and will show up as black spots in the game. To lose them, choose Masks, Edit.  Choose the background color with the eye dropper and paint over those black spots. As you do, the gray/white checkerboard should replace them.  Make sure to choose Masks and UNCHECK Edit before proceeding.
6. Choose Masks, and Save to Alpha Channel.    Make sure it's the only item on the list. Highlight each if there's more than 1 to see which is NOT your new design.  Delete the one that's not your new design.  Click OK, and then click OK again in the Selection name box.   No need to give either the document or the channel a name. 
7. Choose Edit, and Paste as New selection.   Move the new design to line up with old one exactly. Make sure it's 0,0 coordinates in the bottom left corner of the screen.   Click the mouse.  SAVE.
8. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PUT THE NEW CROSSHAIR BACK INTO THE PAK0.pk3 FILE.  Any change in the content of the pak0.pk3 file will cause your game not to work at online Pure Servers.   Go to #6 HERE to learn how to create a new pk3 file for your new crosshair.


1.   Choose File, New.  For image dimensions, choose 32 x 32.  Pixels and pixels/inch.  Pick a black background and 24 bit color.  Click OK.
2. You'll want to zoom in for easy painting.  View, Zoom in, 10:1 is usually good. Using the Grid will help you to find dead center, which is a good place to start.   You can adjust the grid size in File,  Preferences, General Program Preferences, Rulers and Units.   Try 1 by 1 for spacing.
3. In View, Toolbars, bring out the Control Palette to choose your brush size.  For most crosshair designing you'll want the smallest brush size of 1 pixel.
4. When finished designing, chose Edit, CopyThen choose Masks, New, From Image, Any non-zero value.  Invert Mask Data should be UNchecked.  Click OK. You'll now see your design on top of a grey/white checkered background. Choose Masks again, then Save to Alpha Channel.  Make sure it's the only document on the list. Delete anything that doesn't  resemble your new design.  No need to give either the document or the channel a name. Just click OK and OK.
5. Choose Edit, Paste as New Selection.    You'll again see your design with the black background appear in the same window on top of the one with the checked background.  Position it over the checked version at 0,0 coordinates so it is an exact match.  Click and SAVE AS a tga file.  Choose Colors/Set Transparency Values.  Click yes if it says it has to reduce it to 1 backgound layer.  Then accept the defaults in the next window. Then choose Set the transparency color to the current background color.  Save again.
6. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PUT THE NEW CROSSHAIR BACK INTO THE PAK0.pk3 FILE.  Any change in the content of the pak0.pk3 file will cause your game not to work at Pure Servers.   Go to #6 HERE to learn how to create a new pk3 file for your new crosshair.
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